Penang to Cameron Highlands Bus to Tanah Rata

If you want to travel on a Penang to Cameron Highlands bus to visit one of Malaysia's most famous and popular hill stations, then taking a direct bus from George Town or Butterworth on the mainland, is the easiest and most convenient way to go.

For information on how to travel in the other direction from CH to PG click here >

There are a few Malaysian bus companies that operate direct bus services from Penang to the Cameron Highlands, such as Newasia, Unititi Express and Billion Stars Express.

The bus trip takes around four and a half hours to get up to the Tanah Rata bus station in the highlands.

From here you can get local transport to where ever you are going, or stay in town at one of the many accommodations available in Tanah Rata (which is the main tourist town of the highlands).

How much is the Penang to Cameron Highlands bus fare?

The price of a bus ticket to Tanah Rata will cost around 35 - 45 RM.

Most travel agents and tourist places in George Town will be able to sell you tickets or you can:

try our bus booking page to see the latest departure times and fares here >

Departure Points in Penang

The easiest option for most tourists is to catch the bus from underneath KOMTAR, as it is within walking distance to most places that people stay in George Town, or you can just hop on a RapidPenang bus that will take you to the KOMTAR bus terminal.

Buses leaving from KOMTAR, all stop off at Sungai Nibong Bus Station, which is quite some distance from the main area of town close to the Penang bridge, so buy your tickets for the buses that depart from KOMTAR if you can.

The other option is to catch the ferry over to Butterworth and get the bus from the Butterworth Bus Station (Penang Sentral), although there are a lot fewer departures from here to the highlands.

Book Bus Tickets Online >

How to Travel from Penang to the Cameron Highlands by Train / Bus

If you are not in a rush, you can stop off in a few interesting places along the way, rather than travel directly from Penang to the Cameron Highlands.

A popular stop off is Malaysia's third largest city, Ipoh.

This former tin mining city has some interesting old British colonial architecture in the "old town", as well as plenty of cave temples for you to visit in the surrounding limestone hills.

You can travel to Ipoh from Penang by either train or by bus.

From Ipoh's Amanjaya bus terminal there are many daily departures to the Cameron Highlands.

For train schedules / fares from Penang to Ipoh click here >

For buses from Penang to Ipoh click here >

Other places you may consider along this route are, Kuala Kangsar and Taiping.

Both places are located along the railway line and easily reached by train or bus from Penang and Ipoh.

For more about train departures from Butterworth Penang click here >

Related Pages:

How to get from Penang to the Cameron Highlands main page >

How to travel from Kuala Lumpur to the Cameron Highlands >

Penang Buses Main Page >