Kuala Lumpur to Singapore Train Booking Online

There are a couple of places you can make your Kuala Lumpur to Singapore train booking online, saving you the time and money of having to visit KL Sentral Railway Station booking office.

As this train route between Malaysia and Singapore is often very busy, we would advise you to book your train tickets as far in advance as possible.

Currently in Malaysia and Singapore, you can book train tickets in advance for vary periods - anything from just a few weeks in advance, to 3 or 4 months in advance. Booking periods depend on when KTM make one of their many timetable changes!

Kuala Lumpur to Singapore Train Booking - Where to Book Online?

1) Direct from the KTMB (Malaysian Railways) website. To book train tickets online from KTMB, you will first have to register to create an account and choose a password.

2) You can also book tickets through an online agent which is far more straight forward booking process. They also sell tickets for the new shuttle train from JB to Singapore and Gemas to JB.

Click here to go to the online train booking page on our site to book either way >>

****Please Note:

From 1st July 2015, you will no longer be able to book trains to and from Singapore online as all intercity trains will now be terminating / originating from JB Sentral Railway Station in Johor Bahru Malaysia.

To travel between JB Sentral and Singapore, a new Shuttle Train Service will be operating on this route, taking just 5 minutes to travel between the two stations.

These trains operate throughout the day, but are aimed at commuters rather than connecting to the Intercity trains

For more info, fares and timetables for the Shuttle Trains click here >>

****Please Note:

From 19th May 2016, you will now have to take an ETS train from KL to Gemas, then connect to a Shuttle train from Gemas to JB Sentral.

Of course if you want to buy your tickets from KL Sentral station, you can do that to, but by the time you have paid to travel to and from the station, it works out cheaper to book online.

You can also book train tickets for any destination on the KTMB network from any KTMB Railway Station within Malaysia and at Woodlands Railway Station in Singapore.

Related Pages on our Site:

Kuala Lumpur Trains Main Page >