KTM Sungai Petani to Padang Besar
Komuter and ETS Train Schedule (Jadual) 2024

If you want to travel on the KTM Sungai Petani to Padang Besar train services you have a choice of the frequent and cheap Komuter services (commuter) or you can reserve a seat on one of the fast (but more expensive) Electric Train Services (ETS for short).

Sungai Petani to Padang Besar KTM Komuter Schedule (Jadual)

To see the latest KTM Komuter train timetable for 2024, click on the timetable link below:

To see the latest full Komuter train timetable from SP to Padang Besar click here >

To see the full timetable in the other direction from Pdg. Besar to Sg. Petani click here >

For the latest KTM Komuter train fares, please see the following pages:

Sungai Petani Komuter train ticket prices page >

Padang Besar Komuter train fares page >

These commuter trains stop at all stations along the route and the duration of the journey by KTM Komuter train from Sungai Petani to Padang Besar is one hour and 17 minutes.

Seats are on a first-come, first-served basis and often you may find you have to stand for part of the journey (seats usually become available after passengers get off at the busy station of Alor Setar).

ETS Sungai Petani to Padang Besar Schedule (Jadual)

If you want to reserve a seat, you will have to take one of the ETS trains that stop at Sungai Petani on the way to the Thailand / Malaysia border station of Padang Besar.

Do not take the late evening train as this will arrive when the border is closed so you will be stuck at the station all night!

To see the latest ETS train timetable click here >

The duration of the journey by ETS train is around one hour, 12/13 minutes.

KTM Sungai Petani to Padang Besar Ticket Price / Fare (Harga Tiket /Tambang)

The price for a Komuter train from Sungai Petani to Padang Besar is 9.30 RM.

Tickets for the ETS train cost:

Platinum : 29 RM

Gold : 23 RM

Sungai Petani to Hat Yai by Train

If you want to continue your journey by train from Padang Besar to Hat Yai Junction Railway Station, there are a couple of Shuttle services a day that operate on this route.

For more information, latest timetable and fares for this Shuttle train click here >

Other transport options from Padang Besar to Hat Yai are available if you cross in to Thailand by the main land border crossing next to the station.

For all travel options from Pdg . Besar to Hatyai click here >

Related pages:

KTM Sungai Petani Kouter train timetables >

How to get from Sungai Petani to Hatyai Thailand >

Train to Padang Besar main page >

Padang Besar Komuter ticket price list >

KTM Komuter Utara (northern commuter train route) main page >