The KTM ETS timetable below shows all the new high-speed Electric train services operating from the Thailand - Malaysia border station at Padang Besar, down to Segamat (where the electrified tracks currently end).
New ETS Timetable valid from March 15th 2025:
To see the ETS schedule northbound click here >
All Platinum Trains have a Business Class coach.
To check the latest timetable from the official KTM website click here >
If you are already in Malaysia, you can buy your ETS tickets from any KTMB mainline ETS railway station ticket counter, with tickets going on sale anywhere between a few weeks to a few months in advance.
If you are not in Malaysia or just want an easy booking option, the best way to book you ETS seats is to buy them online.
You can book directly through the KTMB website, or use an online ticketing agent (booking agents will usually charge an extra fee).
To book your ETS tickets online click here >
KTMB ETS Train Schedules main page >
KTMB Intercity Train Schedules >