KTM Anak Bukit to Butterworth Penang
Komuter Train Schedule (Jadual) 2024

The best way to travel from Anak Bukit to Penang is to take the KTM Anak Bukit to Butterworth Komuter Train (commuter), which offers a cheap and regular service in this area of Peninsular Malaysia.

The duration of the journey by train from Anak Bukit to Butterworth is one hour and 13 minutes.

For how to get from Butterworth to Anak Bukit click here >

Anak Bukit to Butterworth KTM Train Timetable

To see the latest KTM Komuter train timetable valid for 2023 (Jadual perjalanan KTM Anak Bukit ke Butterworth), click on the timetabe link below:

To see the full Komuter train timetable in the other direction from Butterworth to Anak Bukit click here >

KTM Anak Bukit to Butterworth Komuter Train Ticket Prices (harga tiket / tambang)

For the commuter train fare from Anak Bukit and Butterworth, please see the following pages:

Komuter train fares to/from Anak Bukit page >

Komuter train fares to/from Butterworth page >

Buying Train Tickets

KTM Komuter train tickets are only sold on the day of travel.

No advance booking is available or necessary and seats are on a first come, first served basis.

If the trains are busy, you may find you have to stand for part of the journey.

Arriving at Butterworth Railway Station

The train station in Butterworth is located close to the Jetty where regular boats depart for Georgetown on Penang Island.

For the latest timetables, fares and information on the ferry to Penang click here >

The train station is also just a short walk away from Penang Sentral, where you can take a bus to most destinations in Peninsular Malaysia.

For information on the bus station in Butterworth click here >

Butterworth Komuter Trains main page >