KTM Alor Setar to Padang Besar Train Schedule (Jadual) Komuter, ETS

If you want to travel from Alor Setar to Hat Yai in Thailand, you will first have to take the KTM Alor Setar to Padang Besar Train.

You have a choice of either a cheap and frequent KTM Komuter (commuter) service.

Or a much less frequent and more expensive Electric Train Service (ETS).

We would recommend taking the cheap commuter train, but you may have to stand for part of the journey as these trains are like tube / subway trains and seats are on a first come, first served basis.

KTM Commuter Schedule from Alor Setar to Padang Besar

(Jadual KTM Komuter dari Alor Setar ke Padang Besar)

Latest KTM Komuter train timetable (jadual waktu terkini) valid from the 18th of February 2023:

To see the full train schedule in the opposite direction from Pdg. Besar to Alor Setar click here >

To see all KTM Komuter ticket prices from Alor Setar click here >

KTM Komuter trains stop at all stations along the route.

There are only four stops before reaching Padang Besar:

Anak Bukit, Kodiang, Arau, and Bukit Ketri.

ETS Alor Setar to Padang Besar Schedule (Jadual)

(Jadual ETS Alor Setar ke Padang Besar)

If you want to guarantee a seat, you will have to take one of the ETS trains from Alor Setar to Padang Besar, but you should book in advance to make sure you can get a seat.

To see the latest ETS train schedule to Padang Besar click here >

KTM Alor Setar to Padang Besar Train Ticket Prices

(Tambang / Harga Tiket KTM Alor Setar ke Padang Besar)

Fares for the Komuter train from Alor Setar to Padang Besar are RM 5.70.

The more expensive ETS trains cost:

Gold Service: RM 16

Platinum Service: RM 19

Alor Setar to Hat Yai by Train

If you want to travel on to Hat Yai by train you will have to connect to one of the Shuttle train services from Padang Besar to Hat Yai Junction Railway Station.

For more information, fares and the latest timetable to Hat Yai click here >

If you do not want to wait around for the Shuttle train, you can cross the main land border next to the station, then continue on to Hat Yai by minivan, bus or taxi.

For information on the main border crossing at Padang Besar click here >

For all transport options from the border to Hat Yai click here >

Related Pages:

How to get from Padang Besar to Alor Setar >

Alor Setar trains main page >

Padang Besar Komuter fares page >

Pdg. Besar trains main page >

How to travel from Alor Setar to Hatyai >