If you want to get from Butterworth to Nibong Tebal you can travel by KTM Komuter Train or take a RapidPenang Bus from Penang Sentral Bus Terminal.
The distance from Butterworth (Penang Sentral) to Nibong Tebal is approximately 34 km by road.
The quickest way to get to Nibong Tebal from Butterworth is to take a KTM Komuter Utara (northern commuter) train service.
There are a few direct Komuter trains a day that go from the KTM Butterworth Railway Station straight to Nibong Tebal (trip duration is 27 minutes).
However, most of the time you will have to first take a Komuter train to Bukit Mertajam (BM), then change trains there for another Komuter train to Nibong Tebal.
Travelling this way, with a change at BM should take 33 minutes for the services with the best connections.
To see the latest KTM Komuter train timetable (jadual), please see the following pages on our site:
For the latest KTM Komuter train fares from Butterworth to Nibong Tebal click here >
To travel by KTM Komuter train you have to buy your tickets from the Ticket Counter at Butterworth Railway Station.
Komuter train tickets are only sold on the day of travel (no advance booking is available) and there is no need to buy separate tickets if you are travelling via Bukit Mertajam.
If you want to travel from Georgetown, Penang to Nibong Tebal, you will first have to take the ferry over to Penang Sentral from the Jetty in Georgetown.
There is also the odd ETS train from Butterworth to Nibong Tebal, but most ETS services do not stop at this relatively small station.
Tickets on these trains are much more expensive than the commuter services.
To see the latest ETS train timetable to Nibong Tebal click here >
RapidPenang operates a fairly regular and cheap bus service from the Penang Sentral Bus Terminal.
RapidPenang bus number 801 departs from Penang Sentral every 20 - 40 minutes during weekdays (25 - 40 minutes during weekends).
The first bus to Nibong Tebal leaves at 05:40 am, the last bus departs at 10:15 pm.
For more information, the bus route, fares and to check the latest timetables:
You should visit the official RapidPenang bus website here >
Related Pages:
KTM Butterworth Trains main page >
Bus to/from Penang main page >